Sunday, March 29, 2009

GARRRRHHH. (how eloquent, eh?)

once upon a time, I was up way too late on MSN (no big news there).
there was a Prince Charming in the story.
However, as I was electronically flirting with him, in my mind's eye I was contemplating the future, as scary as it is to me, at my age, I am beginning to see people I am interested in now terms of "Do I want to spend a REALLY long time with this person."

Now, the answer in this scenario was, most likely, yes. And yet something was telling me, "Why? Why settle for this one?"

and I realized that that test I did in psychology that said I was androgenous just might have been accurate. In terms of who I want to be with, I act like the "classic" guy. I want a chase. I don't want to just settle for someone. I don't want someone just because they like me a lot in return. I am starting to understand the male species' mating decisions.

It's totally unfair, but, it's true. They want the chase. I dont' know if I'm the only girl, but I feel this way too, I want to earn the love of the person I'm after, I don't want them to just fall at my feet on first sight and go, "you're the one for me." gack.

actually, this probably explains why girls pine so much over guys they like...and thus, guys do it to, they pine, but in a more active way we like to call "chasing after the girl". girl's usually just don't have the guts to do it and instead sit in front of the TV watching girls who do, as they eat an insanely priced Hagen Däaz tub.

Unfortunately, a lot of society, I believe, sees these girls who chase as clingy, annoying, rude, pushy, sluttish, whorish, get the picture. (Unless, of course, the girl is an insanely beautiful, model-like figure, in which case all the guys want her to chase them, so they can just get into her pants easier...)
But if it's a guy doing, it, it's incredibly adorable, and is the stuff of teenage chick-lit (Twilight, anyone?)

WTF is wrong with this world? For a society that is supposedly trying it's hardest to promote equality between the sexes, we're kinda still in the dark ages, like, Lancelot pursuing Guenevere kinda Dark Ages.

As someone who is thoroughly disgusted by this double standard, I will simply leave it at that. Take what you will.

I'm just glad MSN boy is a little bit smarter than the average homo sapiens, and either of us chasing the other isn't a factor.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

randomness strung together into one cohesive blog-like thingy

I kept writing things down that I found funny, and then decided the list was prolly long enough to make something out of it. Here goes:

(fact-ish things)

anything tastes good if you add enough sugar/salt/butter/cheese to it. I've tried it.

you always find tons of stuff to write a blog about in the worst places. Kinda like you always think the deepest thoughts while you sit in church, and then forget them later, or the best dreams start ten minutes before the alarm wakes you up.

"absence makes the heart grow fonder" is almost always wrong...our minds are kinda programmed, I believe, to save us pain by repressing our feelings for other people when they are not present for long periods of time...

In time, everything you once liked you will find annoying. that's why there's no "friends forever". unless, maybe, "absence makes the heart wander and come back" happens continuously throughout...

ellipses (...) and semi-colons (;) are the two greatest punctuation marks known to humanity.

when people use "LOL" "ROFL" "LMAO" and "OMG" in daily spoken conversation, you know it`s time to take away the cellphone and the keyboard. I`ve seen it before.

Horoscopes should not be taken seriousl. However, the advice is good, and everyday one should self-reflect to make themselves a better person and look around to see how they are affecting other people. You don`t need to listen to a generic message in your e-mail or underneath the paper`s crossword to tell you that.

When I was a kid, I spent an incredulous amount of money for an eleven year old to buy that L'oréal Kids "no tangles, no tears" crap. I think it might have worked like it did in the commericals had I not physically dumped the junk into my eyes to test it. And if i didn't wait till after I had played for an hour before I brushed the tangles out. ouch.

Also as a child, I used to look like a little boy. I was cutting a Barbie cake in my ninth birthday pic, and people constantly ask, when viewing th picture, why a little boy is cutting the cake. gah.
when I was nine, I walked by this little boy
"Are you a boy?" he asked.
"No" I replied.
"oh," as he continues to play with a little pool of dirt, "you look like one"
"I know."
I then continued to walk to the bathroom :)

today a little four year old gave me his views of church:
"it bored at Church all you do is stand down and sit up and be bored."
Well put, little man, well put.

anyone who tells you, on inspection of the size of your breasts (I mean that they simply say you have big boobs) that girls who have big boobs will have back problems when they get older is Jealous of your boobs. Seriously. If you're that insecure that you have to start dissing someone's God-given cleaveage, get implants and stop your whining already.

my smile makes my eyes go all squinty. most of the reactions are laughter, calling it cute, Asian, or just not caring. however, one of the most unique responses came from a dermatologist that I live with
"yeah, you should stop smiling like that it'll give you wrinkles.. You're gonna have to get botox when you're older"

I have yet to find the etymology to the word "Blog". any insight into this matter would be greatly appreciated.

one of the best words, in my opinion, is the word "Superfluous". that followed by "Surruptitiously", "Serendipity" and "Grin" are my favs.

Canadian TV commercials are about 10,000000 times better and more interesting than US commericials.
(btw, if an ad spends more time warning about the product`s side effects than positive results, it`s an American commercial`)

I have no idea why I wrote this blog other than to get rid of the million scraps of paper with crap written on them from my room.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Males: Regarding Rihanna and Boys in the Car

As I sit here listening to my faithful 8GB Nano and currently the sounds of MGMT, I reflect up upon a question posed to me about two weeks back by a couple of my guy friends.

Reading an US Weekly regarding the latest Rihanna/Chris news, it was interesting to hear the boys scoff over the bruised star's eensy-weensy white bikini (btw, Colton, I still want my magazines back from your van).

An interesting, and I think relevant question was posed to the effect of: "If girls aren't afraid to prance around in miniscule swimwear, why are they so against going around in bra and underwear? After all, guys walk around in their boxers, don't they?"

Now, I'm going to take away the creep factor here; although it seems suggestive, they weren't looking to see hot girls in their negligée, in fact, I think they were a little frustrated.

Let's examine first in a superficial context. Girls are way more over-conscious of their bodies than guys are, it seems, so it's not really surprising we try to hide our bodies--we don't want to be like the old ladies who change right in the open at the local pool; their dimpled ass cheeks and horrifically inescapable wrinkled breasts don't have much to lose anymore, it seems.

Delving into girls' body image insecurity is a huge task, so we'll leave it at this: girls who are secure with their bodies will have no qualms going almost commando sometimes, I've seen it before, time and time again.
Those who are insecure or embarrassed won't.

(BTW, next time at the beach, check the confidence levels of those wearing bikinis and those hiding up their skin. You should be able to notice the difference.)

I will now use this incredibly long intro to seque to something else; let you boys in on my own personal observations (and coming from a family of nine, being one of the youngest and also nannying a family just as large, I am good at observing).

"Girls are Complicated"

or so you've been drilled over and over again. Maybe even by your own mother. ick.


That is simply a stupid excuse to cover up the fact most of us are too lazy to fully explain ourselves and make life much nicer for all of us. We seem to have some sadistic complex....

Complicated, hah, only as complicated as we make ourselves.

I'm about as complicated as a can opener.
Food, Love, Sleep, Play, Friends, Happiness, Belief and Family is all I want/need (the order changes all the time).
The only thing "complicated" about me is trying to figure out why I'm so weird, and how I've managed to survive the shit in my life without being an addict, alcoholic, friendless, or dead.

Sure, there's the occasional time when I'm a little cryptic, but usually I'm just testing your ability to use your brain; I like smart people =^^=

I can nearly guarentee you that every "Complicated" person I've met was a drama queen.

Situations are complicated, not people, we behave as we've adapted. And situations can be explained to a willing ear. If we can master languages, maths, arts, can we not understand a situation?

(If you honestly care about the person as much as you want them to care about you, don't give them "I'm a girl = Complicated" shit. It's low, dirty, mean and indicative of a person who ignorantly thinks they are better than the person they are talking to.)

Boys. If she says she's Complicated, please don't get too angry, she's just not emotionally ready/capable to be open with you. Sorry. D':

Girlies. PLEASE give them a break, they are not all heinous, and deserve better than just stupid feministic rooted PMS crap.

The Anti-Sound Of Music

One of my favourite things to do is join up for things. That is, sign up on as many internet things as I possibly can. I promptly forget that I joined them about a week later, and constantly delete the notifications I get in one of my two, no wait, make that three, e-mail inboxes.

I used to really wonder why I did this. One of the reasons was because, obviously, I would gain something, be it being able to read books/manga online, order rare items online (with the credit card I most certainly did not have at the time), or just simply annoy other people with yet another social networking tool that really kinda sucks....(I almost got pulled into Twitter the other week, and then miraculously realized that no one I knew would actually care to join either)

Finally I decided the main reason I join up for these things is my own narcissism. I love to take pictures of myself and talk about myself (proof of this is this blog right now...)

These things allow me to add as many pictures of myself as I want, conveniently disguising my obsession with myself as just one more step for the millions of creepers out there to "get to know me better". HA HA.

Don't worry, there is a deeper meaning to this blog, just hold your breath a second.



ok, so here's the thing.
I KNOW that I am not the ONLY person who loves to take pictures of myself, and talk incessantly about myself, I think it is hardwired into every one of us in SOME form...
however, my point is this.
I see that there are literally millions of people on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Blogger, Photobucket and the like. We all love to love ourselves to pieces online, and prove it with our posed photos, or the random photos we love because we hope that it will show off some side of ourselves that is attractive to someone else (if you are denying this, think really hard).

What pisses me off then, is when these same people (majority girls, to be quite honest, I am usually guilty of it too, and dislike this quality of myself) who cyberworship themselves and their images, then complain in real life.

too fat.
too skinny.
too tall.
too short.
bad teeth.
bad brows.
thin lips.
bad hair.
no muscle.
too butch.
high voice.
low voice.

The list goes on and on and on and on. Kinda like a dog chasing it's tail. And the complaints they make? They are just about as effective.

People! Just SHUT UP.
