Monday, April 12, 2010


I'm switching things up a bit. As much as I love rambling about myself, I'm focusing things in a new direction. As such, this blog is going to be primarily used to follow other blogs and direct any followers to my writing blog
I humbly ask you to subscribe to that blog, as this one will be updated much less frequently and from now on be the one promoted:)

As a side note, I did some writing over the Easter weekend, the beginning of a new plot, and something I have never done before (although I suppose one of the motifs is not brand spankin' new)

Also, today I had the most fun just hanging out with a friend, going into wal-mart (buying cacti and ice cream) and drooling over bedsheets, comforters, clocks, exercise equipment and pretty much everything else; eating 5$ delicious Quiznos subs, and sitting in her car looking at the clouds through the sunroof with the seats fully reclined.
(it was too windy and asphalty to do it outside)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


There have been lots of birthdays this week, and they will continue for the whole month! This includes my sister and multiples cousins at the very least for me. Apparently a lot of parents chose the month of July (or June, depending) to procreate. Well...I guess it was summer. :P

Today I got to go bridesmaid dress shopping for the first time ever! We tried them on, took pictures, fought...
My mother deemed most dresses, Too Low/Too Immodest. My sister kept asking if we were good with the colour. Therese kept thinking they didn't look good. Julia's disproportionate. Elyssia went Greek. (Although the highlight happened while I was in a change room; all the sudden you hear "thum thum THUMP" and "ohwwwhhaaaahaa" when she fell/tripped on the footstool. She got a bit of a mark, lol)

If Johanna wasn't going to be bridezilla, I was going to be bridesmaidzilla. at least for a bit. it didn't help that I had started the day off waking up late and having my mom bang on the front door three minutes later, lol.

Although, I did choose a dress. It's lovely, floor length, and has very simple, flattering and elegant rouching. Aside from my prom dress, it'll be my second gown, although I love it just a bit more. The lady from the store even gave us a discount because we are getting six dresses. She was very nice on the whole.

Now I've just got to suck up the 200$ for the dress. Oh well, could be worse!