Thursday, February 18, 2010

When the Younger are more Mature.

I don't know if it's just February (What an odd word), but I felt like talking about love.
Love is such an odd thing, isn't it.
It's not that I'm feeling so much love right now, no, I don't think that's what inspired this little mind-jot.

I don't think I'm really that qualified to talk about love, give lectures on it, advice or anything. Nobody dubbed that, even though I have had my fair share of conversations, and I love them (ahaha to the semi-pun.)
But, I have felt love, and loved before, and I think that gives me a right.
So as I was saying.

Love's a funny thing.
I don't think you can really describe actual love. try as you might. and don't think I'm being all whimsical and shojo and head-in-the-clouds here, I'm rather calm at the moment.
I think you can describe attraction, and infatuation, and lust, and obsession, and pain and abuse, and chocolate and confusion,
but I don't think you can describe love. Even if your description is in the Bible (No offense to any Apostles.).

I mean, if we could, then we would have it down pat, right?
Which is why it's so confusing, eh?
I get confused all the time about love. You think you know something and then BAM! something happens and your feet get chopped off all over again and you fall down flat on your metaphorical face.

And we enjoy it! (Or at the very least look forward to it happening/worry if it doesn't happen soon.)
But yes, I don't think we get it, and it's probably better that way. I think a few things in life lose merit if they're rationalized (Take Chuck Norris jokes for instance, if you tried rationalizing them to a middle-aged adult who doesn't get them, they would be just ruined forever.)

I wonder if I have a point here or I'm just going in circles.

For me, personally, I enjoy love and I think I can recognize it. I know when I do or don't love a person vs. the other options I mentioned above. Infatuation happens quite often with me it seems.
But yes. What I enjoy about love, I think the most, is the constancy and consistency that comes with it
yes..those are two different things.
That and the safety net it provides. Who doesn't want to feel safe at times?
And finally, knowing that I either love or am in love with someone just makes me feel good, about that person and the relationship I have with them, and gives me a more rosy outlook on life in general.

To all the people that I love, I hope you know who you are, and I hope I'll always love you.
(I also hope that doesn't sound creepy)

Life is happy.

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