Sunday, March 29, 2009

GARRRRHHH. (how eloquent, eh?)

once upon a time, I was up way too late on MSN (no big news there).
there was a Prince Charming in the story.
However, as I was electronically flirting with him, in my mind's eye I was contemplating the future, as scary as it is to me, at my age, I am beginning to see people I am interested in now terms of "Do I want to spend a REALLY long time with this person."

Now, the answer in this scenario was, most likely, yes. And yet something was telling me, "Why? Why settle for this one?"

and I realized that that test I did in psychology that said I was androgenous just might have been accurate. In terms of who I want to be with, I act like the "classic" guy. I want a chase. I don't want to just settle for someone. I don't want someone just because they like me a lot in return. I am starting to understand the male species' mating decisions.

It's totally unfair, but, it's true. They want the chase. I dont' know if I'm the only girl, but I feel this way too, I want to earn the love of the person I'm after, I don't want them to just fall at my feet on first sight and go, "you're the one for me." gack.

actually, this probably explains why girls pine so much over guys they like...and thus, guys do it to, they pine, but in a more active way we like to call "chasing after the girl". girl's usually just don't have the guts to do it and instead sit in front of the TV watching girls who do, as they eat an insanely priced Hagen Däaz tub.

Unfortunately, a lot of society, I believe, sees these girls who chase as clingy, annoying, rude, pushy, sluttish, whorish, get the picture. (Unless, of course, the girl is an insanely beautiful, model-like figure, in which case all the guys want her to chase them, so they can just get into her pants easier...)
But if it's a guy doing, it, it's incredibly adorable, and is the stuff of teenage chick-lit (Twilight, anyone?)

WTF is wrong with this world? For a society that is supposedly trying it's hardest to promote equality between the sexes, we're kinda still in the dark ages, like, Lancelot pursuing Guenevere kinda Dark Ages.

As someone who is thoroughly disgusted by this double standard, I will simply leave it at that. Take what you will.

I'm just glad MSN boy is a little bit smarter than the average homo sapiens, and either of us chasing the other isn't a factor.


  1. i love this all, dee!
    and i think the guys trying to impress the girls is kind of a biological tendency, because it is consistent through the rest of nature!

  2. lol, this is probably where the whole brain versus brawn stuff came out of.
