Friday, March 19, 2010

when you hear my voice you think of me, not anyone else

Good St. Patrick's Day y'all?

It gave me very strange dreams involving a funeral where I worked, being drunk at said workplace, getting in a fight and being two hours late. Also, for some reason my name was Jasmine; even my nametag said so.

Yesterday was a semi-good day. I went to the mall to check out the new H&M that had just opened. It was cool, but I don't know if it was worth all the hype, it seemed too small.
Needless to say, I wasn't going to try to navigate myself around that store and the mile-long changeroom/cash lineups for overpriced clothing. And I needed a spring jacket.
So I found one! Yay! But not at H&M; at Winners. It's cheetah print. I've never owned anything of that particular print before. I mean I like the jacket, but it will take me a little bit to not feel pretentious wearing it. I've never really affiliated myself with animal prints as being "me".

The rest of the day well, it just went by kinda in a daze. It's Friday, and therefore the weekend, and it doesn't feel like that at all to me.
To be truthful, it doesn't feel like anything. I'm going through one of those apathetic phases again, I think.
At least I get tons of writing in those times.
Let's see what I can create.

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