Friday, April 17, 2009

it's a beautiful day

I have found that creative urge again. Normally lost beneath the covers and reclaimed during the shower, that creative urge to write.
An urge so powerful, my mind is making up sentences paragraphs before my poor pencil can write them. an urge so powerful it keeps me up to obscene hours when I must wake up early. So powerful it meakes me stop eating, drinking, watching TV, sleeping or facebooking. The urge that caused a 97% essay, multiple novels in childhood and a blog for the world to see. An urge so powerful, in fact, that it could have defeated both the Trojan and Greek armies and claimed Helen for itself. Twice. (Oh, and while also kicking Chuck Norris' blackbelt ass.)

Recently I was in a bit of a slum. My life seemed danerously monotonous, tiring and life-draining.
Then something shoved my brain and fixed it!

I returned to a project I am doing for a friend. I am writing a piece of fiction. (BTW, Friend, if you're reading this, you should comment, b/c I like your opinion and you add sunshine to my day. Hint: you're male and European and I am writing this fictitious screenplay for you. You know who you are.)

So the story is surprising me. It's turning out pretty good, and the plot amazes me. I don't even remember making it. I didn't know my brain oculd come up with something so workable and prospectively amazing...I swear someone else took over my brain and gave me all these ideas (not gloating here, just stupefied...).

So it makes me pretty happy.
And now I have to get back to writing.

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