Wednesday, April 15, 2009

oh my god I'm going to strangle something soon....

sooooo, I've basically spent all day searching for a very tiny, and normally rather expensive memory stick. It's not that there's anything important saved on it that I need at the moment, it's that I need to save something important on it at some near-future date, and if I don't have it now, I won't have it then!!!!!! grrrrrrr.....

I have turned the whole house upside down. I have offered cash rewards to the little children if I find it. I have called my parent's house to see if it's there (which I already knew it wasn't, but , what the heck).

I found the cap for it, which I had dropped on the ground weeks ago (and because the cap is clear and the carpet was white, it was nigh impossible to find), but what the hell good is the cap without the thing it caps!!!!! God sure has a sense of humour.

And it's not like I lose things all the time. Normally everyone else loses everything, and I find it. So it would be Murphy's Law that the one time I lose something, I can't find it.

I don't know where I'm going with this other than that I need to rant a little bit. On top of all my searching pains, I can't even get a hold of the people I need to talk to on the phone, who I know aren't working today, so where the hell are they when they know I am calling this week (actually, it's not "they", just one person...and my parent's weren't answering for hours....)???

oh, and I purposely left my cell charger at my parent's because I thought i was getting a new phone on the way back to my house, but I didn't, and now I don't have the charger, and now my phone is slowly but surely dying and I can only turn it on for small intervals of time because God-knows when I will get the charger back....

other than that though, the day is relatively good, the house is clean, the kids are happy they aren't fighting....groceries need to be bought, true, but, that's the least of my worries....

I guess I just need to look on the bright side.

It could be worse....

I could have exams.


1 comment:

  1. exams might be worse, but they might not. all i know is i spent this entire beautiful day indoors to study, and accomplished little
