Sunday, January 3, 2010

I have that mug!

So apparently I've past the 100 post mark for my blog here.
Yay me.
(Also, Deanna, how do you manage to whine so much? Get a life.)

I sucked it up today and spent money on the 2007 version of Microsoft Office.
I looooooooove it.

So much fun to type with.
Crazy shit.
I recommend it.

You know how in books and movies, two people will be having a flowing back and forth ricochet of flirtatious banter?
This doesn't necessarily mean they like each other, just that they are two nice, secure of themselves people with interesting lives that know how to make everyone laugh with their interesting and no-time-thinking-at-all volleys of verbal communication.

you know how that turns out with me?
Stutters and 'umms' and 'mmmms' and a half-ass comment that could use major screenwriter's editing.

Oh well, such is life.
Everyone else at work isn't too much better, so I'm okay with my less than Oscar Wilde witticisms.
It doesn't help that they perpetually play 'Friends' on the TV in the breakroom, reminding me of how I fail at noncommittal social workplace flirting.

(This is why I blog; I have all day to figure out the simplist thing and spin it around at the end of the day to make it look like I am full of awesomeness.)

Speaking of awesome, this made me giggle a bit.

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