Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolve to What? (Belated Blog)

I have discovered that I like typing in 75% zoom for some reason. I don't know why.

Also, as I was carrying up wood from the cellar this morning to put into the woodstove, I had a thought.
Why are socks and underwear so expensive? Small pieces of cloth, way overpriced, so much so that even at discount stores they make your wallet bleed.
Is it simply because they know we'll pay it? Because I'm sure I know a few people who would have no second thoughts at going commando.
Oh well.

And so, third day home before the New Year, and I feel that I'm going to strangle someone. My little sister has always annoyed me so, and her constant battering me with questiongs about iTunes is driving me over the edge. They are essentially demands to be given music from my computer to her iPod untactfully masked as what I am sure she means to be nonchalant questions.
She has been made aware of my annoyance of her mooching everything that is mine, from books to movies to food to laptop to music to electronics and manga and job discount, with nothing in return. I am getting sick of it. I understand that we are siblings and this happens, however, her insensitiveness ans spoiled "I should be able to have this" way of thinking, encouraged since she was born as the second youngest child, youngest girl, and one who never made such a fuss as I was or rebelled makes her think this way. I haven't been her older sister for 16 1/2 years without learning this.
She doesn't know how to get things for herself, and when I tell her how to do it, she complains and asks me to do it anyways.

And when I get upset and tell her to do things herself and get frustrated and yell at her, I am the one who is told to take a chill pill and stop and look inside myself and see what is wrong and how to fix the problem.
I'm the one who's told, If I don't like it, then I can Just Leave.
I'm the one who's told, This Always Happens when you're home
I'm the one who's blamed for all the technology and music and crap in this house thay my mother Hates and Can't Stand.

I act like the wild, crazy child with wild ideals and crazy habits and full of energy and fun you always want me to be.
And then you get mad.

Well, sorry, because I did leave. I'm not the one who asks when I'm coming home next, or if I'll need a ride to this or that.
If they hadn't noticed, I've been organizing my own ways and rides for over 3 years now, just so that I can avoid such questions.
I don't want you to have any claim or hold on me, and yet you seem fixated with involving me in things I want nothing to do with.

I don't do my laundry when I come home to your house, I don't steal your car, I don't complain that my old room was stolen by an older bitchy sister who will make me sleep on the couch with no second thoughts, I don't eat all of your food, I don't make a mess, I don't interfere with your plans, I don't ask you for money, I don't ask you for pity, and don't use profanity (but if I were, you know that I would be called on it, whereas if my sisters did, it would be okay. And I know this because I've seen it already in the past 3 days) and I don't take over your computer or TV or tell you what to do.

I don't tell you what I'm doing on my laptop because I don't want you to care because yyou couldn't understand anyways because I've tried before and it just doesn't register for you. You tell me if I'm not doing anything important then to just get off.
Well obviously it's important if I'm not telling you about it.
Nine kids and 33 years of marriage, and you still don't get it?

And if I'd stop typing, and get off my computer with nothing but my mind and fingers itching to get back to the keys and finish what I'd started? You think I'd just up and do what you want me to do for you anyways? You want me to take care of your house for you? I don't live her anymore, remember?

I listen to my iPod, and I type on my computer, and I take naps and I read my books and I don't talk to you because I don't want to listen to you anymore.
And you don't take kindly to that, and you get annoyed.
Well, suck it the fuck up, because I'm an adult now, and I chose it, and you're just hurt that I'd rather live my own path than stay under your shadow and act just the way you want me to when you see me.

You should have learned before that I don't take kindly to people telling me what to do. Least of all people who can't understand me because we live light-years away in how we think and act and interact.

So leave me alone, please.

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