Wednesday, January 13, 2010

To twitter or not to twitter, THAT is the question.

So I'm helping out for these two weeks by dealing with equipment and registration forms for social media training presentations all around my hometowns.
(yes, I have multiple hometowns and we're visiting all of them LOL)
I also work for someone pretty cool. We get along pretty well I think, so far :D

I like it!
(I also like the pay. 20/hr. Yummmm.)

And I get to sit on my ass for about an hour and a half each time, reading or facebooking or whatever the hell I want (like blogger.)
It actually goes kinda with the presentations, which are all about catching up the baby-boomers to web 2.0 and 3.0 to better their businesses, because everyone's kinda (sadly) going to social network sites.
So they need to adapt or die!

In other news, I bought a Jack Skellington backpack--it's entirely ten years oldish, but I'm in love with it, and my ten years oldishly decorated Toshiba (my darling little clunky Hikaru) goes pretty well with it.

I'm excited to be a roadie! I loves it already :)

Oh, also, I dunno if you've ever watched this channel before, but it's something I picked up from the presentation... this guy blends things! But never food! I think he's awesome, hahaha.
(we watched the guitar hero III one)

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