Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kanata Kara

I've discovered that my cocoa butter hand cream smells slightly like marzipan. I don't know why. Not that I mind, mind you, I like marzipan, it's yummy.

My uncle's son and his wife are here with their children. They are all congregated in the kitchen. I wonder if either of the children will wander into the sitting room where I am positioned, reading slowly loading scanlations and wishing I hadn't consumed my tea so quickly.
They're rather adorable, with equally adorable names to match. Charlie, Ruby...
and I don't remember what the baby's name is.

I was wondering how I was going to fill my unscheduled weekend (I guess staples decided that after forcing me to work every single Fri-Mon weekend since I started that they would give me a break.) when I checked my e-mail inbox.
Turns out that the universities I have applied at have received my applications, and I can now look at shit on their websites and timelines and requirements and all that dry, time-eating, nauseating and thrilling information.
I'll get around to it tomorrow when I have the house to myself. I'd rather know I have the entire day ahead to work it out as opposed to being surprised and sucked into it.

Plus, telling people that you have university stuff to do over the weekend is an automatic plan-killer.
And I am the queen of play before and after work.
Hooray for life experience skills.
So I'm not too too worried
(Unless WC wants me to hang out. Then I might be too busy :p)
(ooh, on another note, I saw Duck Boy at work yesterday. Hee hee.)

Five stars for a blog with substance for once!

(PS, Youth in Revolt is pretty funny. Another movie that I may adore Michael Cera in. HUuuuunnnmmgg [general sound I make when I think of him] And Justin Long is a bonus too mua haha)

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