Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Love You, Man. ;)

So apparently everyone in my closest-knit group of friends is some type of slut.
Knowledge Slut (Becx)
Cuddle Slut (Pauvre)
Actual Slut (Philandering Manwhore)


ummmm....I don't think anyone really picked one for me. I think I just have a flair for mangetizing human drama to myself.
But there was no decision as to what kind of Slut I was.
I think it would be a little bit messed up of me as to want to know what kind of slut I am. I think I'll be fine without that title, haha.

(ps, I only listed three friends. Duh, I have more friends than that, however, not that I see as often as these three, lol)

I discovered that, although I don't like to talk religion with my friends, because I feel it has no place in our relationship, we aren't trying to convert each other, that it actually does kind of factor.

I don't like it if I hear someone making fun of my religion, like, seriously bringing it down because they don't like it.
I am quite happy with my sexual decisions based on my religion. I don't like to have others look at me strangely or ask me questions and have facial reactions as though I can't be serious or I must be lying.
Just because we live in the 21st Century does not mean that I have to follow the "modern" or "cool" or "our generation's" value system.
If I make silly jokes about something like that, I reserve every right to not do as I say. (Lol, that may sound like a chickening out thing, but How many of us Practice what we Preach? yeah. Thought so...)
And I would despise it if someone were to just think that I were hiding behind my religion on these issues. I have every little bit of information you could want to back me up. You just don't want to listen. Why is that?

I guess I'm just a little pissed about this at the moment. I'm sure it will pass. But I'll still hold to my ideas.

I think I'm also just a little bit irritated about hearing about sex. It's all you ever hear about. It's getting annoying. I think one of the reasons it used to be a taboo subject is cuz you just get so damn bored about hearing about it.

I don't care if you can't get laid; I'm not doing it to you and I don't get laid either, do you hear me whining? get over it. Maybe that's some of your problem.
I don't care if you get laid all the time; I don't want whatever sexual disease you're going to contract someday, so keep your well used genitals and whatever they do away from me.
I'm sick of hearing of you and whatever it is you do with your significant other. I don't want to get in on it, and I really don't feel like I'm missing that much, so why are you fanning your sexual exploits around me?
And I don't want to hear how sexually frustrated I must be. Gah. I don't want to lay you, and it's not sexual frustration, I deal with tons of junk in my day for sooooo many reasons that Sexual Frustration would be the last of them.
Believe me, I can be very honest with myself.
If I'm sexually frustrated, I'll figure something else.

Plus they take something that is just so...well, purposeful and good and supposed to be the ultimate in relationships and whatnot, and twist it.
Half the reason I think aside from religious and personal morals and whatnot that I don't want to have sex, is becuase with the way it's portrayed, I would feel a slut for just having it in the first place.
Because thats how it's portrayed, so that it seems sooooooooooooooo much better. Am I not right?
The ratio of dirty to clean sex you see in the media is sorely one sided.
and I don't like it.

Why ruin a good thing like this?

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