Friday, October 16, 2009

A Hookah smoking caterpillar

I was doing some research tonight about internet and cable. I figure if I am going to be living in my own house and by my own rules and be doing this as a result of an unfair and cruel world, I'm at least going to need some fucking unlimited downloading and all the tv I've been denied here.
Plus I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands, lol.

My sister and I tried to have a video chat over msn, and it was an epic fail. So we switched to Skype, which even then continued to fail us, so then we just went back to plain old typing our messages across our continental barrier.

I have a really boring weekend ahead of me. No one appears to be around. With two weeks left I wonder how the kids' parents are expecting me to do with my time on the weekends.

Oh, and interesting thing. I was looking up severance pay today. I should think it still applies, even if I've been privately employed and what not. A permanent lay off is still a lay off.
Basically, I should get a week's worth pay, plus my week's worth of vacation pay I still have left to use, which will equal 1000 dollars.
I also will need my last paycheque, which I am currently working towards.

I don't know what they're parents think I'm doing. I don't know if they realize I am apartment hunting, and job searching, and making lists of all the stuff I own that is crammed into this room of mine and categorizing it so that I can box it up all that sooner starting next week.
They don't know I plan to show them "accidentally" my tattoo soon before I leave, or maybe I'll let a kid "accidentally" find my pack of social drunkenness purpose cigarettes in my purse. Maybe I'll even drop an f-bomb or two or something just as verbally repulsive to this family.
I don't know why all the sudden rebelliousness, I know it sounds absolutely childish, retarded and stupid.

Oh well. Expect this griping for the next two weeks.

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