Thursday, October 8, 2009

You spin me right round. Pt 1

I need to unwind. This may take a while, and lot of virtual blogging space.

last week my fake nannying family was on vacation. I had the house mostly to myself, and my friend was over.
It was great. Relaxing, not so much stress, I slept in a little everyday, the house stayed clean.

Then they came home.
All I can describe my feelings when they walked through that door and started putting all their shit in my clean kitchen was utter depression, anger and sadness.
depression because I knew the relaxing was over
anger because suddenly I was being asked to do 5 million things at once while the kids went and covered shells with water in newly cleaned cups
sadness because I've lost the ability to show these emotions anymore, and because I knew what was coming up ahead in the next few days.

lucky for me, I got to leave soon after, and went to my friend's birthday party.

That was fun. I learned some things about myself, and about other people. I met some new interesting people, and got proposed to because of my food. Well, that is, after I was told they'd go straight for me if they weren't already with someone else, lolz.
Oh, my feminine wiles.... :P

I spent the whole next day at my friend's house, playing board games with him and his family. I have attained a new comfort level with this friend, and I think it's because I don't just hang around with him, but also with his family.
I think it also had to do with the drunken fighting I did with him at the party the night before.

the kids I nanny (and their parents) used to always tease me and him, and said we loved each other, etc etc etc.
Which is untrue (although, he did admit at the party in his state, that he'd thought about dating me before, and it totally made me triumphant and realize that I wasn't going crazy all the time. he just lied.), and they still tease. I'm okay with this teasing now. This is what this level has brought me to.
Also, his mother is now also going to be off his back.
he told her I liked someone else.
Which made her ooh and ahhh, and I am not quite sure what she thinks of it.

I think I hate the children's mother. I mean, actually hate her. It's a weird type of hate. Maybe this is what makes my job so difficult for me, working for someone I hate.
But I don't think anyone would blame me.
Also it's harsh seeing their dad's Twitter posts, and seeing allllll the comments people post.
how do you do it all?
you're an inspiration
do you ever sleep?
those kids are so lucky to have a dad like you
you should slow down, you do too much!
I take that as a personal insult. Everytime I see one of those, I feel like commenting and telling them the truth. That it's because someone is getting dragged along in the dirt, treated like a peice of underpaid trash that is only worthwhile when she's awake and babying him and his family through life.
Yes, I'm bitter.
But I'm doing it for his kids. Sure as hell not him or psycho-wife. And some day, when those kids act like normal human beings, I'll know it's because I had some influence on them.
Because I know it isn't from them.
Not when their youngest child outwardly loves me more than his mother.

1 comment:

  1. :O! he LIED?!?!! actually i had assumed that, lol. he tries to be sneaky.
    and you really are making a difference with those kids, addea, so keep up the awesome work! it's going to be worth it all someday!
