Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This Time, Baby, I'll be Bulletproof

So as I sit at the family's computer this morning at almost eight am, making up a grocery list for the week for everyone, I am graced by the presence of the children's mother.
Well, the buck stops here.
She told me that her and her husband had been discussing it, and, basically, finances weren't looking good.
So I am being let go at the end of the month.

No more nanny diaries for me... :P

This leaves me with about two and a half weeks to find alternative employment (she was gracious enough to let me know she would of course be a reference) and living situation.

To be quite honest, my first thoughts were toward the youngest three children (who even now are playing on the floor beside my bed with a slinky-turned-skip-rope as I type this).
The mother and father have not told their children yet.
I don't know how they'll take it. My sweet little ones may not want to accept it, especially the youngest girl. I don't know what her and her older brother are going to do when there is nobody around who will be on their side.
I don't know what the youngest will do when he has to go back to getting simply spoiled as a means of attention (he just gave me a noogie and buddy hug while saying he loves me--what are we going to do?)

My mother is not impressed by this at all. she says to make sure I get severance pay. all she could do over the phone was sigh, be perturbed and tell me to get moving on something as that`s all there is left to do.

I can't say this hasn't been on my mind all day as I've been working.
I'm distracted, don't feel very well, and can't find anything appropriate to eat (aka-bacon, egg mcmuffins and other greasy foods. all I have are liquorice allsorts and cranberry juice.)

I'm not actually quite sure how to handle this.

especially since one of the kids almost just read this blog, and he was always my favourite and one of my three youngest.

What will we do?

1 comment:

  1. it's a transition, not a set back.
    but those kids will miss you.
