Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Four. Hot Topic.

so we didn’t get to go to the house to use the internet.

However, we did get to go shopping at the mall, which had the redeeming qualities of a good Walden’s, a Hot Topic (absolutely my kind of store, my FOB sweater was noticed right away, there were Charlie the Unicorn shirts, and the staff were arguing about one having actually met one of the Decemberist’s at a concert, as well as just being a place I would spend my life in) and a Chinese food place in the food court. I got some sweet shirts and a good book or two, which may become gifts for a certain couple of people back at home. I still have to get cheese for my friends at home.

As I sit here listening to Joe Dassin, I try to ignore the multitude of bites I got last night as we listened to the fiancé sing some folk songs in Russian (pretty cool, actually. I now want to learn the language). And we now have a second cabin, so I don’t have to deal with the drips of the trailer; just the perpetual terror I have of the top bunk falling down on top of me and crushing me. Oh well. The fair in Wausau starts today, so we’ll just see if I can’t get my sister to take us to it some time, hee hee hee.

I haven’t gotten any tanning in yet, and the luminosity of my legs is still really something (I make no joke or exaggeration here, my legs do really have an almost translucency to them, and they glow in the sunlight), so we’ll see if I can find a good tanning spot today. On the plus side, I am making good headway with my book, believe I am halfway, if not more, through it, which will give me time to also read all of the manga I brought along. And possibly the book I bought yesterday before I give it away, tee hee.

I have kind of lost track of time here; for instance, I had to buy a watch yesterday (by some cashier who asked if my sister and I, as Canadian’s, said “eh?”) and as I was changing this morning, I had to wonder at what day of the week it was before I settled on Tuesday. I also learned this morning that we will probably take the Chicago way back home, which makes me just so much happier. Not only because I really want to go that way, but also because it means that I will have more to look at than the not-so-pretty Michigan lack of landscape.

(Oh! On the way through Michigan, I actually saw a sign on the side of the highway that was as so: “Prison Area: Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers”.)

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