Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Eight. Partay!

Well, it’s the day of the engagement party. We’ve been cleaning for a lot of the morning already, and they started roasting the pig at 3 am. I’m hoping to get a picture of it before it’s devoured. I’m so close to leaving, it’s kind of exciting. I’m rather down about the fact that I’m missing blink-182 today, but I guess this is what they mean about “family first”. I just hope that I’ll have another opportunity for floor tickets some day :s

I watched The Count of Monte Cristo last night, a movie I haven’t watched in a while (although my vote was for the Matrix). It really is a good movie. I just wish there was more speaking actual French in it, considering they are in, well…France.

Oh, I just heard them say the pig is ready. Exciting. There have been many family functions amongst my relatives where there was a pig roast, but somehow I always seemed to miss them. Funny that the only time I do get to go to one, I would rather be somewhere else. Irony seems to attract to me like a magnet. European comedians would have a field day with my life. I feel sort of bad though. I mean I don’t mean to be disrespectful or selfish or spoiled when I say I want to be somewhere else; it’s just that it’s so difficult you see. I mean, we aren’t just in a random place somewhere; we are in a random place in another country. You’d be amazed at the difference. I went with my sister today to get supplies and while I was loading the car with pop, wine, beer and butter, she went to get streamers at the dollar store. They only had red, white, and blue streamers; my earlier joking suggestion to her to get red and white ones to decorate (obviously for Canada, she had rolled her eyes) was actually followed because of the lack of choice. I wondered if they do it on purpose, do they force you to be patriotic, even at something as personal as an engagement party. I don’t like it. Whatever though, red and white are nice together, no matter what nationality you are, I think. It’s not just the Canadian flag.

Oh, funny thing. In Canada we call sweet corn, well, sweet corn. We passed a large wagon on the road that had ‘Candy Corn’ painted on the side. I always thought that was something you ate at Halloween that was so sickeningly delicious and sweet that you felt ill after eating too much. I didn’t realize it was an actual food, lol. I prefer the term Sweet Corn, but that’s my upbringing, I guess.

And now to see that pig!

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