Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Three. Chompers.

I had a shower this morning, it was quite okay, and I used the most absorbent towel I have ever used in my life. Trying to sleep last night/this morning was a total disaster. At first, I was quite pleased with the pounding of the rain on the top of the camper that “the kids” got to sleep in; I loved the thunder and lightening. But then I woke up at some point in the morning and discovered that the roof had decided that my sleeping place would be the perfect place to have a crack to let in some of this torrential downpour. My blanket got literally soaked, and my pyjama pants were the most uncomfortable I have ever worn. I was quite pissed and have made a vow to not sleep in that thing again. We might possibly get to go back to the fiancĂ©’s house today, which would mean internet. (If this blog gets posted August 3rd, 2009, then you’ll know I did.)

I am wearing Crest Whitestrips this morning, and they are quite irritating. I despise having something on my teeth, but there is really no other effective and inexpensive way for me to whiten my teeth; those toothpastes never seem to do anything. Oh well. I am really hoping we can go into town today; I want to spend my American money, and I need a washcloth. Oh, and one good thing about this trip: I will be able to get a LOT of typing done, something I probably wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise. Right now I have about a week in which to do my typing. Nice.

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