Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Six. Carnivale!

So I am writing this a lot later than I usually do, although you would never know since I am just going to post all of them at once anyways. (I usually type them in the morning after I have breakfast.) Today was somewhat eventful. After deciding that the sun and God both hate me, I stopped tanning today and started getting ready to go to the house of the fiancé, which we were going to before we went to the fair!!! Yayay!

I finally got to put on makeup and wear my cobra starship sweater, a red one with a million zippers, and wear some awesome earrings. But before that. I realized that a lot of my time, and my family’s time, spent here is in making and eating food. Speaking of which, I made a delicious omelette today; I think it was the second best I’ve ever made. (Nothing can beat my first place omelette.) It was relatively cloudy today, and I finished two manga volumes (Millennium Snow vols. 1 and 2) before I started to straighten my hair and do makeup. I don’t really need to straighten my hair all that much…but I love to do it J

Soo. We went to the Fair around nine pm, because then the admission was only five dollars per person, as opposed to the nine dollars it would have been otherwise. We missed Alice Cooper though, darn. (I did hear them singing “School’s Out for the Summer” though.)

But, the fair was rather large, I kind of laughed at my dad’s incredulousness at the amount of cars there, although I wasn’t surprised, it just made me excited and want to jump out of the car like a five year old who can’t wait to get out and go into the…well, Fair. I didn’t go on too many rides though, but I enjoyed all the ones that I did, even if the one kept me entirely upside down for 10 seconds or more and I really thought I was going to fall out and die.

I did, however, manage to win a small toy (it was horrible, really, how terrible my aim is) at a booth. I won a little stuffed turtle I call Kamikitchi (which translates in English to “lucky turtle”), and he is adorable. I almost feel sad that I won it so that I could take it back for a friend (I was hoping to win a Stewie from Family Guy) and thus complete my list of people to bring back souvenirs for, but I realize that it would just get stolen, molested and horribly killed (ripped apart) by the kids back when I start work again. So it’s better in the hands of my friend.

Another funny thing, as we were walking out of the fair and towards the cars to go home, we passed this guy, mid-teens probably, leaned against a car talking on a phone. As we passed him, this little boy ran up to him

boy: "Hey...do you have a girlfriend?"

indistinct muttering from teenage boy

boy: (running) "Hey, Jessica, come here!!!"

I hope it went well for everyone.

I still have to buy cheese though, although that will be later to my day of departure. Wow, it’s almost tomorrow, and I’m beat.

1 comment:

  1. lol! i hope the little boy's matchmaking skills are for the best!
