Friday, August 14, 2009

Mama Cupcake ~(] pt. 2

After Chapters I was happy my friend Becx agreed with me to visit our mutual friend from high-school who we had not seen in ages, her especially since I took an extra year while she went off to university. We caught him just in the "Nick" of time (if my friend reads this, she will apreciate the pun). Or well, we got there just after he himself had just got home from work. I feel a bit of a hypocrite, working myself like a dog and then going around and telling others not to. Ha.
I found out that my friend has plans to go out of province next week to visit a friend. I felt sort of dejected. I know this friend also, and that she's a pretty great person. I just felt sad that he would go to such lengths to visit her (can't blame though; they've been friends since childhood, makes only sense) when I myself used to wish for such attention from him. Not saying that he likes her, no, that's not what I mean. Just the caring and missing. If that makes any sense. Oh well.
It was a good visit regardless. And left me sad when I went back home. I miss him all the time (I am very good at missing people, lol) and it's so difficult to get a hold of the man. Gah.
I took my difficulties on my visit to my friend during her nightshift, at 1'30 am. I didn't mention the madly in love part though. Hee.

The only thing this week that has truly made me feel good inside, I think, is when I visited my friend yesterday evening (not the one from earlier this week. it was the birthday boy). I texted him as I was rounding the corner, telling him I'd arrived, and he went and opened the door as I neared his driveway. He was saying out loud "Where's Mama?".
He spotted me and says "There's Mama."

I have yet to understand how terms of endearment completely melt me into nothingness and lighten my day for literally a week or so.

(because then I just fall back into my sadness.)

1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry to hear you've been feeling down. hopefully you'll feel better from the beaxh today!
