Friday, November 6, 2009

so much to saaaaay-ay-ay-ay, mmm, but so little tiii-mmmuh

(Lol, the title of this post is to be sung to the tune of the "Watcha Say" song on the radio that is a rip-off of the awesome Imogen Heap song, "Hide and Seek".)

So. There really is a lot to say, it's almost daunting to me how much I feel I will have to cram into this blog.
First thing's first. I finally am connected to the Internet! Yes, I am at my Uncle's house, all my stuff in and whatnot, and I have finally acquired the wireless' password, so I am content.

It was interesting moving all my things. I realized that I have a ton of stuff when all boxed up, but as I was putting it away, I realized that it wasn't really unreasonable stuff. I mean, as I rifled through it, emptying the boxes, I kept an eagle eye out for things that I could get rid of/sell. Aside from some books, there really wasn't anything. I guess as you get older, you just accumulate things, and since I've kind of been on my own (not living in under my parent's roof that is) for just over two years, I've been gathering things to fill a house. Things that I need to survive on my own, without people purchasing for me or that I would have to share.

I had serious emotional cold feet on Tuesday night, however, when my friends left after helping me cart boxes into the house. I felt really alone. I wanted a mommy (my Aunt died almost six years ago, so there isn't a mother figure in this house anymore), or a sister, or something. I realized that I really mostly wanted some additional femininity in the house, but I would have taken another guy too. Not that I mind my Uncle, it's just that I wanted a third person to bounce off of.
But, as I went to sleep that night, I tossed and turned. I had the oddest feelings inside of me. I actually wanted a doll, or a teddy bear, or a sleeping companion; either something that I could hold to reassure myself, something to take care of and take the focus off of me, or someone that would hold onto me, and I could just lose myself and my worries in them, and sleep peacefully.
Neither of these were to be found.
I'm better now, and I will get more, day by day, as I work myself into a routine.
I think what the problem is is, I don't know the routine. I don't know who makes dinner, who cleans dishes, who vacuums, who does the garbage and recycling...
I'll get used to it though, things are already starting to fall into a pattern.

As I went out today to buy a USB cable for my printer from Staples, I realized that I will soon be able to get a hang of the bus systems, they're really not so difficult! For that I am glad.
I also had some fortuitous meetings at Staples, and let's see if I can't get myself some employment there ;)

I don't really know what else to say, but that I miss my friends, and I want to see them again soon! This should hopefully be made easier by my new internet access.

Also! I bought some new pillows today, and cases for them.
Pillowcases are expensive!!!!!
2 pillowcases that look like any other pillowcase and are just regular sized were more than the two pillows I was covering with them!
And I needed to buy two sets of pillow cases!
They better last a loooooong time. Or somebody's gonna get yelled at.

1 comment:

  1. lol, i want to hang out! but your phone is busy!
    and pillowcases don't really wear out... lol.
    unless you use them for pillowcase races!
