Thursday, November 26, 2009

Topher Grace

Did you know you can stretch a pair of shoes to fit your feet up to a size larger by using ice? It's true. Oh, the wonders of YouTube.

Yesterday I was talking about women's bodies today, and how it is frustrating if you're not the norm.
Sometimes, it's interesting to look at your own reaction when you see someone in a position of popularity, and they don't look at all like what is typical for their role. For instance, this music video garners a lot of negative and positive comments. The positive are 98% for the music quality (it's nearly the same live, too!) while the negative are all about the lead singer's deviance from what most female frontrunners look like.
I like the video and the song.
I wonder if Mama Cass went through any of the same sorts of things.

Some things irk me. One of them are people on facebook who are looking for "a relationship".

These people are either: Ugly, prepubescent girls, hopeless romantics, teenage boys who just want pussy, creepy, or lack self esteem. Or all of these (well, minus being two different sexes).
Even my best friend isn't looking for "a relationship", and she's as HR as they come. (her older brother, on the other hand, is, but that is expected as he is very sweet but seems kinda sketch.)

I wish these people would stop.
You aren't going to find a relationship if you can't get yourself away from your facebook page, and don't stop trying but failing to flirt over fb chat (which fails connectivity wise half the time anyways, so it's almost like a double fail).
And trust me, people who try to get you to date them over facebook are very annoying, very creepy, and very desperate.
I've had this one guy on my tail for over a year, and I just can't shake him off. I suppose I should just delete him, but aside from the trying to date me thing, he's just fine.

I have thought that perhaps my writing is either too unconventional, too harlequinesque, too teenage, too adverb filled, or perhaps all of these together.
I still enjoy doing it though.
But, I dug something out of the ashes from the underbelly of DeaDea's My Documents.
You decide.

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