Sunday, November 1, 2009

scandalous! pt I

My head hurts. I am coughing less than I was this morning and my throat isn't sore.
My legs hurt. Everytime I get goosebumps on them, each one feels like an individual needle pricking into my skin.

So, obviously as you can tell, I am sick. It started coming on about three days ago or so, and all hell broke loose in my body today.
Just some of the loverly things that I was able to experience today were:
sweating enough to drench my whole body and bed and make my pyjamas feel like I had jumped in a pool;
nearly blacking out when I attempted to have a bath;
not being able to move my limbs without extreme pain;
being really hungry because no one came to my room til about 3 pm, and I didn't get food til about 7...

I don't mean to be a pity party. It just sucks.
I was saved though, when my lovely darling of a friend came over with ginger ale, soup, and peppermint tea once she was informed of the situation.

I am glad I'm feeling a bit better though, because I was going insane trying to fall asleep. There was tons of noise outside my door and window, random things kept going through my brain, I was worrying about everything...

I think I know that I am feeling better though, most because I want to eat all of my halloween candy right now, haha.
this is all rather unfortunate though, because I had planned on doing a lot of packing today.

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