Monday, November 30, 2009

Little Rant.

It's not fair. There are some really good people out there, and they are so innocent. The worst shit happens to them, and they are the least to deserve it.

You try to laugh about it, but it's not funny and you don't know how to avoid the situation. You want to cry with them, but that's not what they need. What they need is justice.

It's so frustrating that the world is so imbalanced. That the undeserving of the world get what the deserving are supposed to have. They get it without asking. They get it and they can't even handle it.

This isn't about money. This is about life.

Am I beating an old drum? I don't care, it's new to me. Or, at least, it's newly annoying because I have access to everyone in this unbalanced karmatic equation at my fingertips. I can't play God, and I don't like it.

All I can do is watch over and do my best to help. I can give advice, I can give examples, I can sympathize, I can empathize, I can get angry.

But I can't make it right, and it hurts so bad.

People in the world are so jaded, I can't stand it. I don't understand why they have to be so pessimistic all the time. The world doesn't always suck.

Maybe if you just had realistic expectations, and worked your way around the roadblocks, instead of waiting for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter, then you'd realize the world isn't out to get you.

Life's not perfect, and the sooner you realize that, the better.

Until then, Stop whining.

(You'd think people living in a city would have realized this by now.)

please stay tuned to our normal broadcast. This is just a filler ^_^

1 comment:

  1. it's all cuz we want more stuff, addea. i hope that doesn't depress you as much as it depresses me. crap! and i was having such a lovely night at work...
