Tuesday, November 3, 2009

a deep craving for applesauce.

so, this may not come as a surprise, but, once again, I cannot believe the gall of the children's mother (yes, I am still not moved out yet...more on that later).

Last night, I walked into the kitchen because I could finally move around without fear of fainting or having major muscle spasms in my legs. I was going to make some soup, but I found ice cream and I was rather hot, so I chose the ice cream.

One of the children was frantically whining to her mother, asking when she would get the h1n1 vaccine in the house to give to them (as their mother is a doctor, she is allowed to give the kids the shot herself). The mother said that she tried, but the nurse said that they were only giving them out first to pregnant/breastfeeding women and the elderly. She sounded pissed about it, like her daughter had more right to the vaccine than a pregnant woman. Her child nearly started screaming."I'll try again, maybe I'll get a more sympathetic nurse"

cue sound of a record stopping abruptly *rrrrrrrrrrrRRR!*

more sympathetic nurse?
The fuck woman!

now, as you know, I am not an advocate for and I do not really condone the flu shot of any sorts.however,I do feel angry about this.

The fact that this woman would say something like this, in the tone of voice she used, like the nurse was crazy to refuse her the vaccine and that her family deserved it more and just...garh!!!!

I mean, I am sorry, but I am quite sure that your 12 year old daughter, who plays sports year round, eats a ton, gets plenty of sleep and water and is allowed to lounge in her pj's all day will be able to tough it out a lot more than a pregnant woman, who not only is trying to keep herself from being sick, but also an unborn human baby who hasn't had the chance yet to build up an immune system because he/she hasn't even taken a breath of outside air yet.

I just couldn't stand the arrogance.
I wonder, perhaps, if the nurse had told her they were only giving the vaccines out to Sheltie dogs at the moment, whether their mother would have been so upset.
Sorry, Sweetie, but the Shelties need their vaccines too. We'll get yours as soon as they're done.

as a side note. I plan on moving today!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!! let's hope nothing goes wrong. as it is, I have to lay down every 20 minutes or so so that I don't get exhausted.at least I'm not really sick any more!!!
and, at least I've already had this stupid virus, so no one can come after me with a vaccine....

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