I'm sitting here waiting for the tea kettle to boil. I haven't had a decently made hot beverage in a few days now, and I think it is messing me up. I miss it.
What a full past few days it has been. I love and hate the holiday season.
I love it when I'm not working, I suppose is the clearer way to put it.
But, finally, I got to be the one on the paying side of the counter, after I was done work this afternoon.
5-9.5 hour shifts for the three busiest days of the year really takes the pep out of you, I have to say.
(Unfortunately, it also makes the desire to spend your own cash even stronger. I did fairly well though, I think, for a compulsive/emotional buyer.)
And dinner tonight, with a couple others, was awesome! In a place I'd never been before, but I'd heard good things about. I want to go again and have already started concocting plots in my head to sucker others into going there with me sometime soon.
It's almost a new year! I'll be twenty next year. I know the actual date of my birthday is still over nine months off, but it kind of scares me.
I'm getting old.
And yes, I know, it's not that old. I'm still young. There are lots out there that are much older than me.
I don't care.
When I was a kid, people the age that I am going to be were towers in my life. So old and so smart, going places and full of knowledge and all adult like and with brimming and rosy social lives.
I just don't think I quite fit that bill that I wrote out years ago, and it's kind of intimidating and scary and rather sad.
New Years also means new resolutions. I think we all make them, sappy or not, unintentional/subconsciously or no.
I don't know if I have any, other than "get more things accomplished"
Vague or what?
The only resolution I had for this new years was to get away with being wasted for most of the thing, unlike what happened last time....
(That and I keep having dreams about mistletoe. My subconscious wishes to live out a 16 year old's fantasy.)
But these things are not to be talked about.
On the bright side, I'm going to have tea and cheesecake.
Christmas in the house of an Uncle and a cousin who went to chef school means about a gazillion pounds of food at Christmas time.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Bring a Torch, Jeannette-Isabella
The song that is my title right now, is a carol that always intrigued me as a child because we had this book where you pressed a button and a carol would play. each carol corresponded to a page in the book that had a picture and the lyrics to the song. This particular song was written in French, and as a 7 year old I never knew what it meant. I should look it up.
This Christmas has been very strange. It didn't feel very Christmassy in comparison to previous ones. I miss my older sister a lot. Usually Christmas Eve for my family consists of going to midnight mass, and I would usually stand beside her or near her, and we would lean on each other and make strange faces at each other/laugh when the choir (or us) messed up by either singing way out of tune or at the incorrect time. We'd give each other a kiss and a hug during the sign of peace.
After mass, and after some drinks and a movie, we'd go and sleep in the same double bed and fall asleep close to each other talking about school and boys.
This year, she is out of the country and I sat beside a different sister and my Dad during mass.
I started crying before mass had even started.
I guess it just doesn't feel very Christmassy for me without her.
On the bright side, I walked out of this one with only a few scratches (not to mention my beautifully healed/raised scar from halloween which is a wonderful snow-white colour), new nylons, a blue notes gift card, and 200 dollars.
Ah, Christmas.
Something odd, as I walked in the door when I came home, my dad told me I had lost weight. Needless to say, he was actually correct, however, I find it interesting that he tells me this each time it is obviously apparent that I have lost, but only my mother will tell me that I have gained.
I think this means my father is a smart man.
Although, all the delicious food I ate today should probably cancel out anything I've lost...
Oh. last thing. One thing I love about Christmas are all of the texts at all hours of the day that tell you Merry Christmas.
I love them so much :)
Merry Christmas everyone :)
(and if you aren't Christian or don't celebrate Christmas or whatever, I apologize for infringing upon your beliefs but screw it, that's how I was raised, that's what I say, and that's what I believe so suck it up.)
This Christmas has been very strange. It didn't feel very Christmassy in comparison to previous ones. I miss my older sister a lot. Usually Christmas Eve for my family consists of going to midnight mass, and I would usually stand beside her or near her, and we would lean on each other and make strange faces at each other/laugh when the choir (or us) messed up by either singing way out of tune or at the incorrect time. We'd give each other a kiss and a hug during the sign of peace.
After mass, and after some drinks and a movie, we'd go and sleep in the same double bed and fall asleep close to each other talking about school and boys.
This year, she is out of the country and I sat beside a different sister and my Dad during mass.
I started crying before mass had even started.
I guess it just doesn't feel very Christmassy for me without her.
On the bright side, I walked out of this one with only a few scratches (not to mention my beautifully healed/raised scar from halloween which is a wonderful snow-white colour), new nylons, a blue notes gift card, and 200 dollars.
Ah, Christmas.
Something odd, as I walked in the door when I came home, my dad told me I had lost weight. Needless to say, he was actually correct, however, I find it interesting that he tells me this each time it is obviously apparent that I have lost, but only my mother will tell me that I have gained.
I think this means my father is a smart man.
Although, all the delicious food I ate today should probably cancel out anything I've lost...
Oh. last thing. One thing I love about Christmas are all of the texts at all hours of the day that tell you Merry Christmas.
I love them so much :)
Merry Christmas everyone :)
(and if you aren't Christian or don't celebrate Christmas or whatever, I apologize for infringing upon your beliefs but screw it, that's how I was raised, that's what I say, and that's what I believe so suck it up.)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Why do I keep having headaches?
I got lucky with the bus systems yesterday when the bus I was on turned into the bus I was going to need to transfer to as well when it pulled into the terminal.
Also, there were some very poorly drawn penises on the windows of the bus. My day was brightened when I saw another passenger get on, and then pull out his iPhone to snap a picture of it.
(I've done it before)
Apparently if I don't seem "joyous" at work, people ask me if I'm okay.
I think I was just tired yesterday. Oh well.
My editing is going well. It's not very easy, which I think means that I'm doing it correctly. If I were just flying through it I think I'd be concerned.
(especially since I'm only at 85 pages.)
My secret santa at work liked his gift; I am pleased ^_^
Now I only have to get a few more out of the way and then I'm done for the year.
I find it interesting how I run giving Christmas gifts like a business project.
I buy, wrap, and then seek out to get rid of them.
Also, Head and Shoulders is made of the same stuff as Comet.
Oooh, the things you learn at Staples.
(I feel quite happy I never used it.)
Also, there were some very poorly drawn penises on the windows of the bus. My day was brightened when I saw another passenger get on, and then pull out his iPhone to snap a picture of it.
(I've done it before)
Apparently if I don't seem "joyous" at work, people ask me if I'm okay.
I think I was just tired yesterday. Oh well.
My editing is going well. It's not very easy, which I think means that I'm doing it correctly. If I were just flying through it I think I'd be concerned.
(especially since I'm only at 85 pages.)
My secret santa at work liked his gift; I am pleased ^_^
Now I only have to get a few more out of the way and then I'm done for the year.
I find it interesting how I run giving Christmas gifts like a business project.
I buy, wrap, and then seek out to get rid of them.
Also, Head and Shoulders is made of the same stuff as Comet.
Oooh, the things you learn at Staples.
(I feel quite happy I never used it.)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Adopted Princess
As a side note to life, I'm finis
hed pms-ing. What a relief, I heartily send my apologies to any persons I may have irritated with my hormonal immaturity over the last litte while and blog posts.
It's funny how when you have no kids to get angry at, you just get depressed instead. Apologies for all the depressing blogs. What is there, in them, is still true in the underlying, but it's below me to live the past over and over. Everyone needs to move on at some point, and I'm not dead, so this all is supposed to have made me stronger.
We'll see about that, but I feel better. I know I don't like being alone, and I know that is a large part of the problem, but that just means I have to go out and meet people, and put myself out there and share that great capacity to love and accept and be friends with that I know I have, and that I'm insanely proud of.
I don't care if my mother is right, and I am Naïve. I don't know if that's what allows me to become so depressed so easily, this childishness I have that makes me upset at the first sight of things going wrong.
I know it will get tiring to have this weight all the time, to go with the ups and downs.
But it makes me, me. I never want to lose whatever childishness or naïveté or innocence that I have.
I want to revel in it.
I don't need to be experienced in every single little thing that's out there in the world. All I need to be happy is what I'm supplied in my bubble.
Give me my friends, my family, some food and water, pillows and tons of pen and paper and I'm set for life. I realized that a while ago, and I forgot it somewhere again along the way.
I'm glad I found it in the ditch again though.
(And why do I have an insanely happy photo of myself from an old sleepover I had three years ago with my cousin? Because I'm full of myself, and I know it, and I love it. And because I'm actually happy again, like I was at this point.)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Oh Lord, I need to get back in school again. Apologies.
It would be so easy for me to just give up and give in. To become like the others, to lose my own ideals for someone else's. To amalgamate, to assimilate. It would be so simple to just forget what I believe in favour of someone else.
Would I want someone so badly as to do that? I'm such a scaredy cat. What would be the point.
Do I want to feel accepted, do I want to feel like I belong?
Why wouldn't I feel like I belonged in the first place; I don't understand. Where is this insecurity coming from, is the question.
Because I would get so afraid to lose what I have.
I would feel so wrong about it.
I'd be just going with the crowd, losing myself in a sea of people who are so sad and afraid themselves that they want nothing but to relate with each other on flimsy topics.
I need something more, but I'm scared too.
The only one beating me up here, telling me, asking me, if I want to be like the rest, is myself. There's no one in the room pointing a gun at my head and telling me to change how I think. It's just me, me and my brain, my brain telling me I should do something soon before that gun is pointed at my head.
But no one's going to point that gun. Never.
If someone did that, I would not feel like becoming like them. I don't like guns.
Instead, I would ask myself how I could have ever fallen in friendship with someone who would do that to me.
Which is why, when I calm my silly stupid little brain down, I'm not afraid anymore.
When I stop spazzing out, I tell myself I should stop becuse there are lots of people who love me just the way I am.
If I change, I'm not going to be the only one, and it will happen in my own time and the way I want it to go, and everyone I know will be growing with me, because that is just the way that these things happen. If we grow apart, so be it, but it won't be because I was threatened.
If we grow closer, it will just be more affirmation for me.
Would I want someone so badly as to do that? I'm such a scaredy cat. What would be the point.
Do I want to feel accepted, do I want to feel like I belong?
Why wouldn't I feel like I belonged in the first place; I don't understand. Where is this insecurity coming from, is the question.
Because I would get so afraid to lose what I have.
I would feel so wrong about it.
I'd be just going with the crowd, losing myself in a sea of people who are so sad and afraid themselves that they want nothing but to relate with each other on flimsy topics.
I need something more, but I'm scared too.
The only one beating me up here, telling me, asking me, if I want to be like the rest, is myself. There's no one in the room pointing a gun at my head and telling me to change how I think. It's just me, me and my brain, my brain telling me I should do something soon before that gun is pointed at my head.
But no one's going to point that gun. Never.
If someone did that, I would not feel like becoming like them. I don't like guns.
Instead, I would ask myself how I could have ever fallen in friendship with someone who would do that to me.
Which is why, when I calm my silly stupid little brain down, I'm not afraid anymore.
When I stop spazzing out, I tell myself I should stop becuse there are lots of people who love me just the way I am.
If I change, I'm not going to be the only one, and it will happen in my own time and the way I want it to go, and everyone I know will be growing with me, because that is just the way that these things happen. If we grow apart, so be it, but it won't be because I was threatened.
If we grow closer, it will just be more affirmation for me.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Small Luminescent Hands
I just drank some really good ginger ale! I always find it tastes best the first sips out of a two litre bottle, as opposed to the cans or 590 mL bottles. Yumm.
As a side note...
I'm so cold that my nipples are almost permanently erect. Grrr. This has been nearly constant for the past three weeks.
I hope this isn't bad for them.
I would turn up the heat, but I had a bad dream about the fireplace exploding, and I don't even know where the thermostat is, so I'll let it be.
It doesn't help that I spend a third of my day in the room where one wall is almost completely a glass window.
Plus, I have accumulated a mass amount of sweaters from going to not one, but two of the most incorrectly heated schools on the planet.
I'll just suck it up; after all, maybe it's just telling me to do more baking and heat up the house ;)
(or to just get off my ass in general because I'm a lazy child.)
As I was waiting at the bus stop, my life took a depressing turn. I wonder if I should get it checked out.
But I'm worried if I'm not just fueling it with this blogging dealio.
I wonder if I should stop, although I know I never could because I always feel fathoms better after typing.
Still, doesn't help my situation.
Sorry about the upcoming turmoil you're about to endure.
I'm so sick of myself.
My narcissism, my over-obsession with things, my drama queen style, my bitchiness, my ego.
Obnoxiousness, volume, impulsivity, childishness, unworldliness, and the fact that I like to show off whenever I can.
My insecurity, my self-pity which I loathe but cannot escape.
I'm so sick of being terrified I'll become one of those people who will always expect everyone to sympathize. A pity party. Someone who cannot go on without everyone on their side.
I'm so sick of being terrified that friends will drop me oh-so-quickly because I'm getting old playing the same record over and over.
I'm afraid I'll become my own victim again. I'll fall prey to my memories and lose myself in them, believing that that is all that I am worth, and will not be able to convince others otherwise.
I'm afraid that I trust people too much, but scared of what would happen if I couldn't have the ability to do so.
My mother once said she thinks I'm so sensitive [to myself and others] because I am sensitive to the unseen forces around us. (ie-spirits angels and demons etc etc I find this riveting coming from a strong Catholic)
I suppose that can happen to people.
She also said I have a beautiful naivete to myself.
I'm scared what the world wants to do with that.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Snowflakes keep fallin' on my head
So I was just itching to write something all day.
I was so full of life, not in the vigorous way, but just so much to feel, I wanted to explode.
Unfortunately, my attempt at doing this was less than mind blowing.
In reflection, what I was personally feeling twisted so many times.
It usually happens whenever I write, which is why I'm so terrified that I'm a terrible writer.
Oh well.
I don't dislike it that much :)
Saw the craziest man on the bus today. Kept talking to himself, or someone, and checking his watch. I wish he hadn't sat right across from me.
I found something to give to my secret santa at work. Hooray.
Speaking of work...oh.
I had to work at 7.45 this morning, so I set my alarm for 6...
and somehow turned it off thinking I'd give myself a few more minutes...
and then woke up at 6.51.
My bus was due to leave at 7.04, so I booked it into my uniform and coat and ran as fast as I could without breaking my neck on the ice out to my stop.
This is why you always make the lunch the night before.
I have to say though, going to work that early is absolutely beautiful.
The bus drivers are nicer, it's not so cold, you're in a lovely state of drowsiness which can be made happy with some headphones and Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker, and the sky is a marvelous colour, especially with the dimming yellow streetlights.
Riding the bus by myself in the evening depresses me.
Riding it by myself in the morning comforts me; I have the whole day ahead of me, and it already looks like it's going to be beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful.
There are some things in life that aren't (unless you mean, "that's beautiful!" because it makes you laugh so much.)
You can also go to the main site for more visual delight.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Back to the Start.
I had a good day today, stayed inside, made and wrapped things, cleaned, and avoided spending money. I even rewatched FOTC episodes again while I was doing this.
I ate a yummy dinner that filled me up, and which, again, I did not have to spend money on.
And then I started to make a list of things I will have to spend money on, so that I can bank my funds properly to the right places.
So I go online to check my balances.
In one tab, my bank account, in another tab, my Hotmail.
My email loaded faster than the bank account, and I saw that I had a few messages from my sisters, back and forth, talking about what we were to get my parents for Christmas.
Now, don't get me wrong, I acknowledge that it's the right thing to get my parents gifts.
We also tend to all pool our money together, but at Christmas time, my oldest sisters insist on getting really really really good gifts for them, and the older you are in line, the more you pay.
So, that means I'm going to be paying hella lot of money for these six gifts.
Apparently we need three for each parent.
Don't think I'm being cheap. But since having my (taxed) salary cut by 2/3's, discovering I have to pay nearly 400 for university applications, having to pay rent, paying for bus passes usually my own food, as well as my own necessary items that I keep discovering that I must buy now that I am not in the safe folds of a big family of any sort, and for simply Christmas in general--well, I've found myself a little bit more tight, monetarily, let's say.
(Yes, I know, one doesn't have to spend tons of money on gifts at Christmas, their friends will understand...I'm not even spending that much right now on the holiday season, it's just accumulated.)
Were I to complain?
Well, where do you spend all your money, D?
And if I don't feel like telling them this because it's none of their damn business and sorry I'm only nineteen and have neither government loans, a job that a University degree can provide, or the security to just simply borrow?
Well, you shouldn't waste your money. *unsympathetic face and bitch voice*
Well, are you sure this isn't just because I'm a little bit slow to throw my money at my parent's presents?
Because let's be honest. I'm not going to pretend that I only give gifts to those that I believe deserve them for some reason or another.
They're family.
So what?
So am I saying I don't think my parents deserve them?
To a degree.
You get what you give out.
I get that my parents have done a lot. They're great people. They're nice. They care.
I'm sorry if I'm the only daughter of their decision to have a mammoth family that feels a little bit left out. I'm sorry if I never felt that same love that apparently everyone else on the planet could see. I'm sorry that I'm weird, that I think differently than the rest of you, that my interests are strange, that my definition of things in life, things like beauty and love and what is right and wrong, are different than yours.
I'm sorry if I show other people that I'm angry.
I'm sorry that I'm honest.
I wholeheartedly apologize to the fact that I don't want to become indebted at my age because I don't feel myself obliged to give a quarter of my paycheque to these two people at their birthdays and anniversary and Christmas and Easter and Father's day and Mother's day and whatever else fucking holiday adults come up with to suck money out of the youth.
I don't feel obliged to do this for two people who do all but skip my own birthday every year, have never made efforts to support me financially in anyway except when I beg for twenty dollars, give dollar store gifts at Christmas, have always made me pay for my own and a million other little things that feel like getting run over and over by a bus again and again.
To the point where I want nearly nothing to do with you. I don't feel like answering with anything other than "okay" when you end with "I love you", something you've decided to say of late.
To the point where you make me so angry all the time.
To the point where your unsupportiveness causes me to get out of reach.
To say I work on birthday's and events, because I didn't feel like asking for that day off.
To the point where I'm just not available to you, and now you realize all the shit that was wrong before, but now it's too late and you cry and you wish I would come back and you still think it was all my fault.
But I can't feel for you anymore, because I lost that ability when it comes to you.
A long time ago.
You want your Deanna back. The sweet, loving little girl that you know is inside there. The one with the big heart and who always wanted you to just say that it was okay to cry.
But now it's too late for that.
She can't come back to you, because she lost her home and now she doesn't have one.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
When I was in middle school we had "Hawaiian Day".
Everyone came in Lei's and flower print shorts and and grass skirts.
I instead, went in what my mother lent me--an authentic Hawaiian muui muui she had got when she went on vacation years ago. I was absolutely in love with it, and so happy because it was real. I was sure that I would get recognition, if not the prize, for best costume.
Well, I didn't. In fact, no one knew what I was wearing, didn't know what a muui muui was even when I told them, and people thought I had not really understood the theme. I didn't win, either, haha.
I still didn't regret wearing it, and am still glad today that I did wear it.
This isn't really a parable, but part of something I realized when I was sitting, staring at my cousin unpacking her things from Australia.
Nobody in that school understood, but I think if I had had a Hawaiian themed party with my friends now, and worn the same outfit, they would have understood.
They wouldn't have thought I was a complete weirdo and outcast for wearing it.
They would have applauded my autenticity.
And I think that's part of the reason I'm friends with them.
Because I don't really have to explain myself.
Thanks, Friends.
Everyone came in Lei's and flower print shorts and and grass skirts.
I instead, went in what my mother lent me--an authentic Hawaiian muui muui she had got when she went on vacation years ago. I was absolutely in love with it, and so happy because it was real. I was sure that I would get recognition, if not the prize, for best costume.
Well, I didn't. In fact, no one knew what I was wearing, didn't know what a muui muui was even when I told them, and people thought I had not really understood the theme. I didn't win, either, haha.
I still didn't regret wearing it, and am still glad today that I did wear it.
This isn't really a parable, but part of something I realized when I was sitting, staring at my cousin unpacking her things from Australia.
Nobody in that school understood, but I think if I had had a Hawaiian themed party with my friends now, and worn the same outfit, they would have understood.
They wouldn't have thought I was a complete weirdo and outcast for wearing it.
They would have applauded my autenticity.
And I think that's part of the reason I'm friends with them.
Because I don't really have to explain myself.
Thanks, Friends.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Losing Marbles.
So work really sucks when you find out, after making nearly an hour's journey due to late buses and bad weather, that you weren't actually scheduled in the first place.
It's worse when you had planned your whole day around that false assumption you were working, and had cancelled plans because of it too.
Oh well. It lets one finish ridiculously long and boring and ludicrously expensive University applications.
I hope the rest of my weekend goes better than this.
I don't like the darkness outside. It comes so early, and makes me way tired before my time. I feel old because of it. And the house is cold, and I don't know where the thermostat is, or if I'm allowed to touch it.
Many fathers are touchy about turning up the heating in the house, and though I live with an Uncle, he is still a father to my cousin, and I believe the rule still applies.
I think I actually called him Dad in a dream once.
They're getting weirder as time passes.
I made a lot of headway typing some stuff up yesterday. Almost makes me forget the mess that is my house.
I'll just get it tomorrow.
(famous last words)
I would still be typing now, but I really needed to finish that application, and I need to bake muffins. I hope they are insanely chocolately as the picture suggests. If they aren't, I'll sue for false advertising
(yeah, right.)
I don't understand why I keep putting things in brackets. Maybe I'm going schizophrenic. (I love that word).
Actually, I think I've just been insane in general for ages.
I looked up a video today of a song that makes me sad but feel okay at the same time. Okay because it's relatable and we know we're all going to crap right now. Here it is. Alice in Wonderland much? I like the video too, not just the song. The video makes sense somehow.
Sometimes music videos confuse me.
but I have to say this one takes the cake.
and makes me giggle histerically at the same time. If you can bear it, it's at about 2:35 on that really made me laugh and wonder how they made it.
I think any band under the genre "Mathcore" is just bound to make me laugh anyways.
Oh, thank you MTV, for showing me this lovely piece of work.
Now to get back to semi reality.
It's worse when you had planned your whole day around that false assumption you were working, and had cancelled plans because of it too.
Oh well. It lets one finish ridiculously long and boring and ludicrously expensive University applications.
I hope the rest of my weekend goes better than this.
I don't like the darkness outside. It comes so early, and makes me way tired before my time. I feel old because of it. And the house is cold, and I don't know where the thermostat is, or if I'm allowed to touch it.
Many fathers are touchy about turning up the heating in the house, and though I live with an Uncle, he is still a father to my cousin, and I believe the rule still applies.
I think I actually called him Dad in a dream once.
They're getting weirder as time passes.
I made a lot of headway typing some stuff up yesterday. Almost makes me forget the mess that is my house.
I'll just get it tomorrow.
(famous last words)
I would still be typing now, but I really needed to finish that application, and I need to bake muffins. I hope they are insanely chocolately as the picture suggests. If they aren't, I'll sue for false advertising
(yeah, right.)
I don't understand why I keep putting things in brackets. Maybe I'm going schizophrenic. (I love that word).
Actually, I think I've just been insane in general for ages.
I looked up a video today of a song that makes me sad but feel okay at the same time. Okay because it's relatable and we know we're all going to crap right now. Here it is. Alice in Wonderland much? I like the video too, not just the song. The video makes sense somehow.
Sometimes music videos confuse me.
but I have to say this one takes the cake.
and makes me giggle histerically at the same time. If you can bear it, it's at about 2:35 on that really made me laugh and wonder how they made it.
I think any band under the genre "Mathcore" is just bound to make me laugh anyways.
Oh, thank you MTV, for showing me this lovely piece of work.
Now to get back to semi reality.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Oh My! It's fruitcake weather?
I thought of a little ditty today, based on another popular little ditty. I hope no one else has used it yet.
I actually thought of it for someone, and she knows who she is, considering I'm assuming she'll read this around 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
"I like my men like I like my coffee;
Steaming and Extra-Large."
Happy Christmas Becx. ^_^
Speaking of little ditties, I found this song as I was floundering around YouTube yesterday. I think the whole thing is awesome. I love how they use relatively unconventional phrasing and lyrics in the song, and the whole post-punk/soul/jazz/indie rock to it.
And, Goddam I love them silver booties.
In other unrelated happenings. I baked a sand cake today. Basically it has the consistency of sand, but tastes delicious. It's what you imagined sand would taste like as a kid, but never got to find out because your mother always stopped you before you got that handful in your mouth, and you know there was no way you were gonna get the stuff that had wormed it's way into your swimsuit when you got home.
Wish fulfillment over a decade later. Hmm.
(I do, however, know what gravel tastes like, as no one ever caught me putting that shit in me mouth. Not too delicious. Yet I still ate like ten pounds of the stuff total.)
The sand cake was a time filler until I went to go babysit. Well that was an adventure and a half. The bus was ten minutes late to the terminal.
But, oh what a bus it was. I fell in love with it right away.
instead of the normal flat platform that the buses have, this one was old, and so had steps instead.
too bad for all the people with strollers. Suckers. (lol)
Then, inside the bus, on the right hand side, there were twin seats, but only single seats on the left hand side. I took one of the singles.
I had my own personal window, like the ones on school buses.
too bad for any fat person who would need one as an emergency exit. heh heh.
Finally, getting out was so much fun. The doors were old too, obviously, and opened outward instead of in. there were technically two sets of them, but they would each only let one person out at a time, and opened separately.
I want to ride that bus again :(
I bought mittens!
-22Celsius windchill, do your worst!
(or not, please.)
I actually thought of it for someone, and she knows who she is, considering I'm assuming she'll read this around 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
"I like my men like I like my coffee;
Steaming and Extra-Large."
Happy Christmas Becx. ^_^
Speaking of little ditties, I found this song as I was floundering around YouTube yesterday. I think the whole thing is awesome. I love how they use relatively unconventional phrasing and lyrics in the song, and the whole post-punk/soul/jazz/indie rock to it.
And, Goddam I love them silver booties.
In other unrelated happenings. I baked a sand cake today. Basically it has the consistency of sand, but tastes delicious. It's what you imagined sand would taste like as a kid, but never got to find out because your mother always stopped you before you got that handful in your mouth, and you know there was no way you were gonna get the stuff that had wormed it's way into your swimsuit when you got home.
Wish fulfillment over a decade later. Hmm.
(I do, however, know what gravel tastes like, as no one ever caught me putting that shit in me mouth. Not too delicious. Yet I still ate like ten pounds of the stuff total.)
The sand cake was a time filler until I went to go babysit. Well that was an adventure and a half. The bus was ten minutes late to the terminal.
But, oh what a bus it was. I fell in love with it right away.
instead of the normal flat platform that the buses have, this one was old, and so had steps instead.
too bad for all the people with strollers. Suckers. (lol)
Then, inside the bus, on the right hand side, there were twin seats, but only single seats on the left hand side. I took one of the singles.
I had my own personal window, like the ones on school buses.
too bad for any fat person who would need one as an emergency exit. heh heh.
Finally, getting out was so much fun. The doors were old too, obviously, and opened outward instead of in. there were technically two sets of them, but they would each only let one person out at a time, and opened separately.
I want to ride that bus again :(
I bought mittens!
-22Celsius windchill, do your worst!
(or not, please.)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Surrender Yourself to Me
I think I've found a flower in a field of weeds,
I think I've found a flower in a field of weeds,
Searching until my hands bleed,
This flower don't belong to me,
This flower don't belond to me,
Why can't she belong--to me?
How I love Billy Talent. I would marry Ben Kowalewicz right now. Too bad he's vegetarian though, I love steak so much.
Holy Jesus, it's very very cold. Unfortunately it's kinda icy and snowy too, which means all the buses are late to their stops, meaning you wait outside a few minutes longer each time.
You'd think being 8th generation in your family would have genetically adapted you to the cold, but, apparently not.
I went to go meet up with people in the mall, and found another cousin of mine (lol, not one of the ones I've met randomly before either.), and turns out she's doing a co-op for nursing. I'm glad to see someone in my family head that direction because Heaven knows it sure as hell won't be me.
(lmao, I just used heaven and hell in the same sentence in what I consider a funny way, but which my brain is too frozen to figure out. Giggle with me.)
I also saw another girl I went to highschool with.
Sometimes she gives me the impression she finds me annoying. I don't know, maybe it's just me, or maybe she's just a sketchy person. It's not like I talk to her all the time or would do stuff to annoy her.
Moving on....
I have the deepest craving to write an essay about something. I have no idea what, but I just want to type.
Maybe it's just my ego talking, saying, Deanna, Show off your smart skills.
I could go for some bacon right about now. Or any food, in general.
Brownies ^_^
When I was a child, there was this "japanamation" film that we had, that my sisters abhorred and thought was for losers, but that I asolutely was in love with. They teased me about it a lot, but I didn't care.
(And they wonder why I love anime now....)
This movie, and this part specifically, was why I chose to take oboe in band class during high school.
I'm in love with this part.
(for the record, we had the english version, I have yet to find a Japanese one of this movie)
I think I've found a flower in a field of weeds,
Searching until my hands bleed,
This flower don't belong to me,
This flower don't belond to me,
Why can't she belong--to me?
How I love Billy Talent. I would marry Ben Kowalewicz right now. Too bad he's vegetarian though, I love steak so much.
Holy Jesus, it's very very cold. Unfortunately it's kinda icy and snowy too, which means all the buses are late to their stops, meaning you wait outside a few minutes longer each time.
You'd think being 8th generation in your family would have genetically adapted you to the cold, but, apparently not.
I went to go meet up with people in the mall, and found another cousin of mine (lol, not one of the ones I've met randomly before either.), and turns out she's doing a co-op for nursing. I'm glad to see someone in my family head that direction because Heaven knows it sure as hell won't be me.
(lmao, I just used heaven and hell in the same sentence in what I consider a funny way, but which my brain is too frozen to figure out. Giggle with me.)
I also saw another girl I went to highschool with.
Sometimes she gives me the impression she finds me annoying. I don't know, maybe it's just me, or maybe she's just a sketchy person. It's not like I talk to her all the time or would do stuff to annoy her.
Moving on....
I have the deepest craving to write an essay about something. I have no idea what, but I just want to type.
Maybe it's just my ego talking, saying, Deanna, Show off your smart skills.
I could go for some bacon right about now. Or any food, in general.
Brownies ^_^
When I was a child, there was this "japanamation" film that we had, that my sisters abhorred and thought was for losers, but that I asolutely was in love with. They teased me about it a lot, but I didn't care.
(And they wonder why I love anime now....)
This movie, and this part specifically, was why I chose to take oboe in band class during high school.
I'm in love with this part.
(for the record, we had the english version, I have yet to find a Japanese one of this movie)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Bluejay and Second
So I wasn't going to post this. I wasn't sure if it wouldn't be taken as looking for a pity party, but, it was thought up on the bus, so I really don't know if you can be looking for pity at that point.
I'm usually more concerned with avoiding making eye contact with the creeper who's also in the back of the bus.
So I realized and firmly decided I have justification for this little piece of work, because it's not just about one person, and I have to get my thoughts out or I'll go crazy and depressed like before, and it's my blog and my life so fuck all who think I'm being silly and bitchy and overreactive.
If you think I am, it's simply because we haven't chatted enough about what is going on behind this.
I'm just also entirely uncomfortable with some things.
I realize, sometimes in life, little happenings are good for you.
Sometimes, it's just the circumstances behind these that aren't, and are also worrisome.
I wish I could explain myself more clearly, and I think that's part of the problem.
But these happenings make me uncomfortable.
And perhaps some people are just a little bit sick of it and over it.
So I'm sorry.
But I'm not,
and I won't be,
not for a while.
And I feel
So, so tired, and I wish,
I could just lay everything I have to say out on a table and explain, and weep, and have you all understand.
But I can't
And it hurts like fucking hell.
And the worst, is that the ones who actually need to know all this never will.
So we just try to get by,
crying inside,
and irritating out,
spilling our souls onto dirty sheets of paper
human words incompetent at revealing honest feeling
talking to ourselves and hoping others will notice
but knowing they can't share
our fears and tears,
so we just pray
that they will stay
by our sides,
and comfort us with their sad smiles,
hoping it will do the trick,
to save our sorry lives
from dying of desire
to be understood.
I'm waiting for muffins to be done in the oven. They're taking too long for my liking.
I had to endure seeing somethings, and reading some things today, that I think I really could have lived without.
Or at least could have preferred an abridged version instead.
It really made me angry. So angry, in fact, that this is really all I'm going to say for the whole blog, other than that it was a pretty good day at work, and I am finding more in my co-workers to enjoy everyday, although some I find like there's a jackass just lying beneath the surface.
I also realize that I'm very grateful for my breakroom, and have the strongest desire to go to a bar.
When I have money. Gah.
I had to endure seeing somethings, and reading some things today, that I think I really could have lived without.
Or at least could have preferred an abridged version instead.
It really made me angry. So angry, in fact, that this is really all I'm going to say for the whole blog, other than that it was a pretty good day at work, and I am finding more in my co-workers to enjoy everyday, although some I find like there's a jackass just lying beneath the surface.
I also realize that I'm very grateful for my breakroom, and have the strongest desire to go to a bar.
When I have money. Gah.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Divorce Court.
I remembered this trick, if you get white deoderant marks when putting on a black top, grab a piece of pantyhose and rub the mark to remove it completely.
Perhaps I've changed my mind again. I've said before I wish I could turn this blog into something useful.
Maybe it should just be where you get your fix of random for the day, because I can guarentee you that nearly 100% of what is discussed here was unexpected.
Take, for instance, my Monday and Tuesday this week. I went down to Elmira to talk to a high school counsellor about transcripts and stuff for applying to university. On my way back, I went into Chapters to get some cook books (I should stop buying those...) because they were mega cheap.
And what did I find?
A new Michael Crichton book!
If you didn't know, he died in November of last year due to throat cancer, so I wasn't exactly expecting anymore books, and I cried a little bit about it at the time. He's my favourite author pretty much.
However, they'd found a manuscript in his files, and thus, a new book was published.
And it was 40% off!!!!!!!!!
God was telling me to buy it ;)
So, as I'm on the bus, I look out the window as we slowly drive down the street, and see a girl I knew in high school walking beside the bus.
I sent her a quick text to creep her out, and she told me to get my ass off the bus to come say hello.
My social calendar was empty for the night, so what the hell?
I get off, and my night changes from one of depressing attempts to type my novel into one full of job-hunting, deep conversations, realizations, and fun comeraderie.
I got to pamper someone again, and have a fun night.
We met this interesting man with the craziest beard, a tweed jacket and old-school (like, I mean look like in Dicken's time) hat. He kept popping up and creeped us out a little bit.
I found it entirely providential that, while hiding from the rain in a grocery store and getting pineapple juice, my older brother walks into the same store and offers us a ride, saving us nearly an hours time.
(unfortunately, this distracted me from remembering to grab my ten dollar's cash back, which I realized the next morning.)
The next day I took the bus back into waterloo with my friend, us keeping each other company before parting ways. I was going to stop in at a William's for a drink, when the girl across from me on the bus struck up a conversation with me. She was really fun and my age, and directed me to the Timmies' on campus instead, which I was grateful for because it was cheaper.
I wish I could have grabbed that girl's name, it would be fun to hang out with her sometime.
I was served by the most adorable middle-aged Asian woman of my life in the Tim Horton's, and have determined that the words "lovely" and "sweetie" sound best when said by a heartfelt woman with a Chinese accent and motherly smile and uncrushable customer service spirit.
On the bad side, sometimes random leaves you with babysitting five hours instead of two.
and you find videos that made you sad.
Perhaps I've changed my mind again. I've said before I wish I could turn this blog into something useful.
Maybe it should just be where you get your fix of random for the day, because I can guarentee you that nearly 100% of what is discussed here was unexpected.
Take, for instance, my Monday and Tuesday this week. I went down to Elmira to talk to a high school counsellor about transcripts and stuff for applying to university. On my way back, I went into Chapters to get some cook books (I should stop buying those...) because they were mega cheap.
And what did I find?
A new Michael Crichton book!
If you didn't know, he died in November of last year due to throat cancer, so I wasn't exactly expecting anymore books, and I cried a little bit about it at the time. He's my favourite author pretty much.
However, they'd found a manuscript in his files, and thus, a new book was published.
And it was 40% off!!!!!!!!!
God was telling me to buy it ;)
So, as I'm on the bus, I look out the window as we slowly drive down the street, and see a girl I knew in high school walking beside the bus.
I sent her a quick text to creep her out, and she told me to get my ass off the bus to come say hello.
My social calendar was empty for the night, so what the hell?
I get off, and my night changes from one of depressing attempts to type my novel into one full of job-hunting, deep conversations, realizations, and fun comeraderie.
I got to pamper someone again, and have a fun night.
We met this interesting man with the craziest beard, a tweed jacket and old-school (like, I mean look like in Dicken's time) hat. He kept popping up and creeped us out a little bit.
I found it entirely providential that, while hiding from the rain in a grocery store and getting pineapple juice, my older brother walks into the same store and offers us a ride, saving us nearly an hours time.
(unfortunately, this distracted me from remembering to grab my ten dollar's cash back, which I realized the next morning.)
The next day I took the bus back into waterloo with my friend, us keeping each other company before parting ways. I was going to stop in at a William's for a drink, when the girl across from me on the bus struck up a conversation with me. She was really fun and my age, and directed me to the Timmies' on campus instead, which I was grateful for because it was cheaper.
I wish I could have grabbed that girl's name, it would be fun to hang out with her sometime.
I was served by the most adorable middle-aged Asian woman of my life in the Tim Horton's, and have determined that the words "lovely" and "sweetie" sound best when said by a heartfelt woman with a Chinese accent and motherly smile and uncrushable customer service spirit.
On the bad side, sometimes random leaves you with babysitting five hours instead of two.
and you find videos that made you sad.
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