As a side note to life, I'm finis
hed pms-ing. What a relief, I heartily send my apologies to any persons I may have irritated with my hormonal immaturity over the last litte while and blog posts.
It's funny how when you have no kids to get angry at, you just get depressed instead. Apologies for all the depressing blogs. What is there, in them, is still true in the underlying, but it's below me to live the past over and over. Everyone needs to move on at some point, and I'm not dead, so this all is supposed to have made me stronger.
We'll see about that, but I feel better. I know I don't like being alone, and I know that is a large part of the problem, but that just means I have to go out and meet people, and put myself out there and share that great capacity to love and accept and be friends with that I know I have, and that I'm insanely proud of.
I don't care if my mother is right, and I am Naïve. I don't know if that's what allows me to become so depressed so easily, this childishness I have that makes me upset at the first sight of things going wrong.
I know it will get tiring to have this weight all the time, to go with the ups and downs.
But it makes me, me. I never want to lose whatever childishness or naïveté or innocence that I have.
I want to revel in it.
I don't need to be experienced in every single little thing that's out there in the world. All I need to be happy is what I'm supplied in my bubble.
Give me my friends, my family, some food and water, pillows and tons of pen and paper and I'm set for life. I realized that a while ago, and I forgot it somewhere again along the way.
I'm glad I found it in the ditch again though.
(And why do I have an insanely happy photo of myself from an old sleepover I had three years ago with my cousin? Because I'm full of myself, and I know it, and I love it. And because I'm actually happy again, like I was at this point.)
addea that is the most adorable picture ever! i'm going to frame it!