Friday, December 25, 2009

Bring a Torch, Jeannette-Isabella

The song that is my title right now, is a carol that always intrigued me as a child because we had this book where you pressed a button and a carol would play. each carol corresponded to a page in the book that had a picture and the lyrics to the song. This particular song was written in French, and as a 7 year old I never knew what it meant. I should look it up.

This Christmas has been very strange. It didn't feel very Christmassy in comparison to previous ones. I miss my older sister a lot. Usually Christmas Eve for my family consists of going to midnight mass, and I would usually stand beside her or near her, and we would lean on each other and make strange faces at each other/laugh when the choir (or us) messed up by either singing way out of tune or at the incorrect time. We'd give each other a kiss and a hug during the sign of peace.
After mass, and after some drinks and a movie, we'd go and sleep in the same double bed and fall asleep close to each other talking about school and boys.

This year, she is out of the country and I sat beside a different sister and my Dad during mass.
I started crying before mass had even started.
I guess it just doesn't feel very Christmassy for me without her.

On the bright side, I walked out of this one with only a few scratches (not to mention my beautifully healed/raised scar from halloween which is a wonderful snow-white colour), new nylons, a blue notes gift card, and 200 dollars.

Ah, Christmas.

Something odd, as I walked in the door when I came home, my dad told me I had lost weight. Needless to say, he was actually correct, however, I find it interesting that he tells me this each time it is obviously apparent that I have lost, but only my mother will tell me that I have gained.
I think this means my father is a smart man.

Although, all the delicious food I ate today should probably cancel out anything I've lost...

Oh. last thing. One thing I love about Christmas are all of the texts at all hours of the day that tell you Merry Christmas.
I love them so much :)

Merry Christmas everyone :)
(and if you aren't Christian or don't celebrate Christmas or whatever, I apologize for infringing upon your beliefs but screw it, that's how I was raised, that's what I say, and that's what I believe so suck it up.)

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