Saturday, December 12, 2009


When I was in middle school we had "Hawaiian Day".

Everyone came in Lei's and flower print shorts and and grass skirts.

I instead, went in what my mother lent me--an authentic Hawaiian muui muui she had got when she went on vacation years ago. I was absolutely in love with it, and so happy because it was real. I was sure that I would get recognition, if not the prize, for best costume.

Well, I didn't. In fact, no one knew what I was wearing, didn't know what a muui muui was even when I told them, and people thought I had not really understood the theme. I didn't win, either, haha.

I still didn't regret wearing it, and am still glad today that I did wear it.

This isn't really a parable, but part of something I realized when I was sitting, staring at my cousin unpacking her things from Australia.

Nobody in that school understood, but I think if I had had a Hawaiian themed party with my friends now, and worn the same outfit, they would have understood.
They wouldn't have thought I was a complete weirdo and outcast for wearing it.
They would have applauded my autenticity.

And I think that's part of the reason I'm friends with them.
Because I don't really have to explain myself.

Thanks, Friends.

1 comment:

  1. we love you :)
    and i had to wear one of those in english class once... it was interesting.
